Apart from the performance of the machine, the outside appearance of the motor also might not lupa was paid attention to. The body, glasses, and the wheel of the motor that every day was affected debu and his certain pollution was increasingly dull. Nah, although the vehicle kesayangan kinclong again, take note tips this. Treated the beloved motor could be the pleasant activity untuk passed the holiday day. Not must be very old, was enough 10 minutes kendaraan your favourite was again seen like just.
1. as prefix begins from 'oily parts', for example
suspension, wheel, and engine. use special cleaner that is sold at
automotive stores or suggested by automotive magazine. when
clean oil remainder that cling, use soft brush to prevents
scratch. syringe suspension and engine with remover special liquid
dirt for motor. koid use detergen commonly use
for household use. ingredient that implied in detergent
can cause Corrossion.
2. The syringe of all the motor part with the cleaner and the remover of the motor stain.
3. Used the hose, the syringe slowly all the part motor with clean water. After being finished, keringkan with cloth that lembut or cloth have material chamois that usually is yellow. Keringkan immediately to avoid the water stain.
4. Stratified polish of motor parts chrome, alumunium, stainless steel, and stratified parts the paint. Materials pemoles ini was available in the supermarket or the automotive shop.
5. Setelah polesan merata, bersihkan dengan lap kering yang lembut.
6. Badan dan mesin sekarang sudah kinclong. Giliran ban yang perlu
polesan. Gunakan sampo pembersih ban untuk mencuci bersih ban dari sisa
tanah, debu, dan kotoran yang menempel. Basuh dengan air hangat lalu
lekas keringkan dengan lap untuk menghindari noda air pada jeruji ban.
Setelah itu, gunakan semir ban agar lebih bersinar.
7. Jika motor anda menggunakan kaca depan, jangan lupa bersihkan kaca
dengan air hangat yang telah dicampur sabun. Setelah itu, langsung
8. Terakhir, beri minyak/pelumas untuk rantai motor anda. Pelumas
semacam ini bisa ditemukan di toko otomotif atau bengkel motor.